Domestic violence plays a very crucial role in one's personality development particularly when you're on a victim side. For types of domestic violence, check: Domestic Violence in India My family faced domestic violence due to my father. I'm 26 and since the very first day, I started understanding worldly affairs I have witnessed my father abusing my mother every day. She has endured a lot. He has always been an alcoholic and a loser in his life. He married at the age of 22 when my mother was 18 and after one year I was born. My brother was born after two years. Post-1992, my father never took responsibility of my family. He was in an automotive spare parts sale and repair business in which he lost hold with time and started drinking too much as a solution to face failure. It was a daily routine of my family wherein he would come home and ill-treat my mother. A lot of times my mother tried to support him so that he could stop drinking and focus on starting somethi...
“Everything you can imagine is real.” - Pablo Picasso