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" Thank you Sir ! "

                                                   On 14th July, I was waiting for a rickshaw around a street corner and after a few minutes, a rickshaw driver came somewhere from the dark. I stopped him and asked whether he would go to the metro station or not? He said, "20 rupees Babu Ji".......From his voice, I came to know that he must be a child of age around 14 or 15. His name was Shankar. Later on, I found that he was native of U.P, but working in South Delhi and earning for his family as his father had died five years back.

Whilst going to the metro station, I had a conversation with him, and a feeling of great fortune came to mind that how much lucky we guys are!! Tears were in my eyes, but somehow I managed myself and my deep emotions. It took us 10 minutes to reach Moolchand Metro Station. I asked him whether he had 50 rupees or not?? Because I was planning to give him a 50 rupees instead of 20 and that not out of misery, but because of his positive attitude with which he was facing difficult time of his life. I gave a 50 rupee note to him and he replied "Thank you. Sir!"

At that moment, tears really ran down my cheeks and the moment is unexplainable. I do belong to a bourgeois class wherein we do face difficult situations often and that's why we know how to handle things emotionally and to move on with a positive attitude. But I think that moment was even beyond my control.

The level of satisfaction I had that time is beyond explanation. I was thinking of giving him my visiting card in case he needs any help in the future, but at the same time I was confused that should I give him my card or not? Time passed and while I was on the escalator, getting to the platform, I saw him smiling and waving a hand to me as a sign of thank you.

The milieu in which we live, we do have a lot of children like Shankar. I salute to these children who are sacrificing the joys of their life and working hard to surmount the difficult circumstances they are actually in & trying to get more out of the life with it. I hope we as a society could contribute something for them and their future. May God bless them with an idyllic place to live in where they can enjoy the fruit of their hard work and can live in peace.


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