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Dance to Love: Part 1

First Meeting & Dance Performance!

Saatvik was busy, so Sahaj went to Freshers block directly to meet new participants of the Western dance team for an event NOX 2011 in University.He was waiting for all. Then a cute face of a girl caught his sight ….. Akuti came to the practice session with a black Adidas bag, white iPhone 4 mobile in hand with earphones plugged into her ears. She had an interesting face, fine boned and heart shaped, like a valentine, a pert nose and intense black eyes. Her hair was dark. She was new in University and as Sahaj was not present there when she gave auditions, she was a new face for him. Small eyes with some curiosity to know what would be the first practice session like? What Sahaj was actually doing there? etc.

        Sahaj started talking to her and she was a computer science student, native of New Delhi and a 1st-year student. He was not expecting that much but it was like that they were already in touch with each other when she asked for his mobile and said: “I also have an iPhone 4, but its camera is not working well”. As Sahaj was not very open with the girls, So he was kind of hesitant, but replied to her whilst checking her mobile and they went into a conversation. At the first, he thought that she was like really extrovert and can talk to anyone easily, although for him it was really difficult to get comfortable with anyone easily unless he knows them especially when we talk about girls ;-). But it was an exception...Although he was not like very much into conversation with her.
During practices, he was very busy in his own area of dance so he never really talked to her like the first day. She was also busy with her first performance preparation and it was obvious. One day she was sitting alone near the pillar with a sad face, so he asked her about the reason, but she replied that it’s OK. He also took it as a normal thing as practice sessions were really tiring in Auditorium … One day he did practice with her, but he never thought that she would consider him her partner in dance and he realised it when she grimaced at him that he had chosen another girl as his partner. The final performance was OK and all were happy!!!  

        After a Dancing floor performance, he started enjoying university life as much as he could do!!! But one day while chatting on Facebook, he asked Akuti for her mobile number. This was the first time he ever asked any girl for her number without any reason and that was where everything started. So after then, they just started texting messages and sometimes phone calls. Going to the library some day with free time was their first preference. It was her 18th birthday on 19th September 2011 and her first Midterms in University, when she called him to take her to a temple in University.

         She was looking ravishing in that orange coloured top. He never admitted that thing to her or even shared that. On very next day Sahaj had his statistics exam and he was totally unprepared, but when he started preparing for the exam, then Akuti called him for a birthday party in the canteen. At first, he refused, but she insisted on coming. So he went there. Sahaj enjoyed with others but was tensed for his paper and he screwed his paper the next day ……. “Everything happens for a reason", so he even had accepted that because Akuti was happy when he went there for celebrating her birthday.

This was kind of the initial phase of incidents between Sahaj and Akuti ….. More to go :)

* Sahaj means Natural
* Akuti means Princess
Saatvik means Pious



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