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I respect my identity!

"Hey! I guess, sometimes you find it hard to understand things because you wear big cloth on your head and things don't reach your mind because of that cloth ..... " she said and started laughing. She was not anyone else but a senior professor of my college with a good number of degrees and even she has written one book. 

In short, she made fun of my look, my identity, my uniqueness and my faith in a set of principles I follow. I don't want to bring any religion into this conversation because for me religion is about controlling one's hatred and accepting others in their true forms. I haven't learnt religion to pray to God aloud in speakers at 4 AM in the morning so that everyone in the colony must know what I'm doing or to hurt people in the name of God. I have learnt religion to control my inner self and anger so that my actions are not driven by my perception but better by my observations.

I look different, people stare at me when I enter some place, I get to hear stupid jokes every other day which I ignore usually. Just another incident to add! I'm currently working as a management intern in one of the top EPC firms of the country and some other day while one worker was getting hard to understand orders from his senior then he gets back a derogatory remark that KYA YAAR SARDAARO WALI BAAT KR RHA HAI!! ... I was there and I ignored it again as usual. That manager has 10+ years of experience in the management. Oh my God!!

So I don't get it! I'm confused!

First of all these types of people need to read this: Religious identity

"Sardaaro wali baat", "My turban doesn't allow me to understand things" .... Is this what our well-educated society is learning these days? I don't know about others but for me, education is about awareness, knowledge, humbleness, progress and growth. I know I'm educated because I respect that if any pandit wears Janeyu then what that means to him, I respect when any Muslim wears cap because I know what really it is for, I respect monks because I know why they shave their heads, I respect my identity because I know what that means to me. There are a lot of things which people around the world follow and do. If we don't know about their significance then why the hell we make fun of them? And even after knowing the reason if we make fun, then only God can help us to get a stable state of mind.

Dalai Lama once said that our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. 

I read books regularly and try to educate myself so that I can follow that prime purpose of this life. I guess if education has put me into this positive state of mind then I feel pity for all those who make fun of others even after getting a lot of degrees and experience! 

For kind information of all:

Why Saardars wear Turban : WhyTurbans?



  1. well said sir..a must read,for all those people who give their expert comments without even trying to know the hidden significance of such ritual or ceremony.
    People should start ensuring their opinion are well informed before making them public.

    1. Thanks Pooja! I usually avoid writing such things related to religion but some stupid souls create chaos that I put on papers to clear my mind.

      Thanks for appreciating :)


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