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These days describing problems have become so easy that you can convince someone with your hard defined situations. If we talk about learning things through hardships! What will you do, when things are becoming so confused that you have no choice than blaming others for your present state.

I am not getting this or that, because you all are stupid!
I never have had the chance to explore things because of you!
My life has become miserable because of you!
I am tired of this life and I can't tolerate all this fucking shit!
Blah! Blah! Blah!....

These questions are usually signs of one's problematic situation or so called life with hardships. When we read something about motivation or self help, we usually get happy about life and pretend things acting lively all-around. This is a reality in today's world where everyone is looking for reasons to smile, laugh, live and stay. Living life has become more difficult than before. We are more concerned about money than happiness, loneliness than togetherness, rat race than bucket list, asking than doing, demanding than giving and much more. We have made our lives very complex in such situations that we are getting trapped in our own narrow walls of life.

When we hear someone discussing about realities of life, we start comparing ourselves with them and if our case is better then we are happy, but the same doesn't happen in its opposite case. Are we really so weak that we easily get dominated by the stories of others ? Or we are not able enough to write our own story and stop blaming others?

The answer to these questions depends on all of us. We all are accountable for our answers. Blaming others is easy, following others is easy, but creating something of your own is what we really need.



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