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Human Resource Management & Challenges

Human Resource Management (HRM) is one of the critical areas where a lot of startups and established companies are working continuously to increase an efficiency of the whole cycle of hiring, training, giving performance appraisals, managing work atmosphere & disputes, developing relations and retaining employees. The year 2017 will see a lot of changes in work style of Human resources people. Traditionally, HRM was all about hiring people, but now it is a whole system which plays important role in growth and performance of any business. Recently, companies have started seeing HR as a part of a business and not just a paperwork department. Accordingly, they are facing challenges as well in improving the performance of processes of HRM. One of the major challenges is changing in the definition of work. Employees look for flexibility in working hours, engagement of work could be short as well these days, demand based employment is on the rise and talent management is becoming heavily dependent of analytical predictions. A lot of organisations are researching to make use of machine learning, artificial intelligence and analytics for improved HRM. Improving the overall experience of an employee is very important and that's where organisations lack. There are lots of issues in an effective engagement of employees, trying to understand individual's career targets and alignment with company goals, hiring employees for trust, understanding their training requirements in alignment to business performance and helping them understand the vision of the company. Major challenge comes when feedback system is not monitored and controlled in any organisation. Feedback could be from top to bottom or vice versa. Continuous feedback and its importance are huge in increasing the performance of any organisation. Moreover, a lot of performance management applications are being developed by companies which can help in tracking feedback on a regular basis and solving issues accordingly. Digitisation could play an important role in improving all these services. Decision making, analysing performance matrix, aligning business with the performance of employees and predicting requirement of talent need digitisation as mentioned. Integration is not possible without using digital platforms. Retaining existing employees is just as important as bringing new talent in and with the issue of skills shortage in most industries, finding long-term permanent roles for employees is becoming complex. Increased hiring speed, attracting large talent pool and finding a qualified employee in time is not easy until organisations use digital platforms. Integration of processes would help to increase the productivity of employees and their well-being. At the end, every organisation will try to find passionate people because these people are important for growth. Solving above mentioned challenges would surely improve the performance of HRM cycle and increase the performance of an organisation.


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