Rejections are part of every individual's life in this world. Be it from life, society, family, friends, office, colleges, business etc., they always hurt. We have a lot of examples of personalities who started with a lot of rejections but ended with awesomely successful life. These days, to cope up with a stress of any rejection is in itself a difficult exercise. Most difficult phase is for students when they face rejections from their most aspired universities all around the world. There could be a lot of reasons behind that, but individuals start to blame themselves for not writing a good statement of purpose or cover letters. But really, is it a matter of concern when we see life as a cycle of success and failures?
It's not at all easy to explain your life in mere 500 to 1000 words because world and life are more than college admissions any days and this is not the end of the world. Moreover, human values have no relation with colleges and what they teach to students. Every single day should be about changing yourself and staying strong. No one cares about you and your feelings more than you do. Time will help you to become stronger and all the rejections would become life learnings or lessons. Every individual does botches in life and you all must be feeling the same that what the hell has really happened?
Criteria of colleges or exams are not known and even if they are known then sometimes they don't work. Always remember that rejections are not enemies, but friends. Consequently, they prepare you for a better future. Rejections just mean that it's time to rethink your plan. Eventually, we get what we need but not what we always aspire. Life is a vicious cycle and it gives you what you really require. Rejections never define anyone and don't forget that opportunities are always there. Life goes on.
Don't stop. Always try and try again. Accordingly, do introspection continuously and make sure that you're trying to be what you really love. Rejection and dejection are part of our life. At the end, always remember that when life gives you lemons make lemonade.
Well explained
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