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Love is so tormenting that pain becomes part of one's regular life once it happens. Ironically, everyone looks for love so that they can find happiness, but mostly they end up losing themselves to an unattended & cruel world where no one cares about them. Even the one to whom you have lost every happiness of your life, he/she would become stranger all of a sudden. For one moment, everything seems unworthy and waste. At that moment, life hits you hard and reality comes into the picture that nothing is permanent in life.

That's a bitter truth!

Why love asks for sacrifices?

Lots of people lose their loved ones who they never thought would ever leave them and sometimes they get back those who they thought would never come back. In this whole process, love imprints pain permanently somewhere deep in your soul. This Pain kills everything and for some who gain through this pain live with strength, else culminate their love for anyone for whole life in front. In short, sacrifice takes place.

Everything becomes question!

Humans love, they share feelings, exchange love notes, see the world, make dreams, imagine, visualise beautiful world ahead and then why all of a sudden everything fades away? Why people lose trust? Why materialistic world comes in between those who architect beautiful love?

I would say, love is in itself a big question for everyone. Even love doesn't know what to explain. It expects us to understand this complexity on our own. Either we want to understand through pain or easily let things go by embracing strength mentally. Consequently, you get unstable and love builds you internally. Here again, whilst pain gets healed, still fragments are there who disturb. So again, questions come, why love gets associated with a lot of agonies? Why all of a sudden our efforts look squandered, why one starts feeling all alone in the world even when everyone is around?

Here, a quote from Joanna Wang’s song “Wild World” fits perfectly - “It’s hard to get by just upon a smile”. Life moves on! Still, we cry for propinquity of another person in our life. Seriously! who can explain this?

You loved someone at your best, gave everything to make him/her happy, changed priorities, considered him/her as your world, then why you have to go through such twinge of losing? And when someone loves you back and then you don't want him/her, then what do you want? Once again, it's difficult to untangle the murkiness of love.

But, one thing that could be explained is how it feels when you're in love. Hugs make you stable and free from stress, purpose of life gets clear, smile becomes regular, presence of another person makes things right and complete, staying with each other gets divine, heart beats faster when you say that you love him/her, missing each other makes living hard, to cry when he/she says that what would happen if we don't get together, holding hands give goose bumps and kiss makes each other composed.

Though it's operose to elucidate love in few lines because love teaches us life in a very subtle way. If you get your love, then the journey becomes heaven, otherwise, it becomes hell.

Ask those who didn't get their love due to stupid reasons and left everything by saying that love demands pain. Love could be one sided, but what about that person who is sacrificing everything for another person who would never get to know about the real state of one who is sacrificing. This is a real face of love. It's heart-wrenching that mostly you won't get that person with whom you're in love and have to smile so that the other person can move on.

Sometimes a feeling of talking to that person who left you comes into mind, but then mind says what the hell! but heart says that where is the harm? This game will never end between mind and heart. Love is very difficult to understand, so let it be the way it is. At the end, make sure if someone is deeply in love with you then you have to make sure that he/she should be with you whatever happens.

Don't give up


  1. its so heart touching... i can feel every word of your post...many lines of your post are still striking in my i m just reading blogs about love nd have read many but this is d most heart touching blog...i wish u write more abt it...

    1. Thanks a ton for your kind words. I'll soon share more stories on same line.



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