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Bar is high, but the ladder is you :)

Just a random letter to someone special …. Everyone can connect to this.

Love has no boundaries. At one point of time you love someone more than yourself and at another point, he/she becomes a stranger to you. This happens because love doesn't believe in boundaries. It demands affection and care. Selfless trust, attraction, closeness, charm, and presence of positive aura define love.

There is a passion which drives two souls together to form a beautiful life. Love has that beauty which could break all the barriers and bring opposites together. We share energy when we love and holds a priority wherein love takes a hotspot. This is a time when people get to learn about themselves in a most learned way.

I also learned a lot about myself going through the same phase. After a breakup, I was alone, depressed, aimless and negative. The worst thing was getting down to negative aura after experiencing all the positives in your love. I loved my ex a lot and she also loved me a lot. We judged each other but maintained a fragrance of love somewhere because of which we stayed together for almost 3 years. With time judgments got increased and love got diluted with priorities. We went through a lot of foul discussions and made our time unforgettable because of pain. After that period my breakup happened and I concluded it by saying that love is better when you can afford it emotionally. There should be trust and support between each other. Problems would be there but life is more important than problems, so live accordingly. My conversations became more clear regarding life and priorities got a major restructuring.

During that period, I learned a lot. It's not easy to handle yourself emotionally when your inner-self doesn't support you. So that phase continued and my confusion flourished during that period. I was very clear about my professional life and couldn't handle my personal life.

Now as I said in the start that love has no boundaries and it reaches where you seek it. During that emotionally unstable phase, I met you. I was totally disturbed, without any expectations, reaching people aimlessly and doing time pass that time. On the other hand, you were just a college pass out, worried about your future, been through a lot of hookups and not trying to get someone in your life. We started with food and ended up together.

But why that happened? Is there any reason behind this?

Were we looking for someone to share something so that we can look forward to life with a purpose?
These questions are important and answers are hazy. I wanted to do something beautiful with my life. I'm a person with simple priorities and somewhere that list also has gone short because priorities could change your life. I have been trying to make less but balanced priorities. But sometimes I'm not able to balance them properly and I need someone who could help me that.

This is where that important person plays a big role. And I'm looking forward to you.

Still few memories are there from past and that is not pleasing. If you can hold me emotionally then you would be doing very beautiful bonding with me. I need an emotional touch with you more than that fancy romantic materialistic relationship wherein sometimes simple things let you say that this is difficult to do.

I'm hard to understand and so are you. Balance is what we need to make with each other. We need to put our ego in trash and emotions together. The reason you said that we're not friends could be derived from this.

I hope this is where you can really get me emotionally touched with you.



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