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Women safety in India

From ancient times to modern India, our society has faced lot of socio-evil issues and faced them with positive energy. Casteism, superstitions, gender bias, untouchability etc. were part of our society for long. Among them, women safety was always a constant concern and still it is present in our society in very heinous form. Today India, with 1.2 billion population, with advanced technologies, more educated society and young leaders, still lags behind others when we talk about women safety. We rank 137 out of 183 countries as per the UN in terms of women safety.

According to figures released by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), the total number of rape cases reported in India has gone up to 33,707 in 2013 from 24,923 in 2012. Our society contributes 70%, when we talk about percentage share for women safety issues. Delhi, Banglore, West Bengal and UP are some areas where there are higher no's of cases registered under sex assaults, rapes, husband's cruelty, domestic violence, eve teasing etc. Delhi accounts 13.3% and Banglore 5.6% to total rape case in India till date. After December 2012 Delhi gang rape case, tourists gang rape in Goa, 14 year old girl rape case in UP, new year's eve teasing case in Maharashtra, we have achieved that level where patriarch thinking of our society towards women is clear.

From ages, women are considered inferior in socio-economic circle. They are given fewer rights and it's assumed that they are made for husband's sexual pleasure, for upbringing of children and service of in-laws. In modern world, women are acting as housewives as well working ladies. But their socio-economic condition is still worse. In every case of molestation or assault, reasons are mostly given considering dress of women, their talking attitude, their friends circle. We have made an exemplary society in negative scales which is starving of more lawful society considering women safety and of modern and independent thinking of men who treat women as "sex toys" or "enjoyment tools". 

Most of the cases of rape, registers rapists which do not have crime history or some still find it normal to do this evil act. This is all because of absence of stringent laws. Government should revive the laws and strategies to handle the indecent act. Society which blames events in very inappropriate proportion has to clear its thoughts that how women should be seen or handled in a social circle. Many corporates are introducing apps, new governments are installing CCTVs, few are providing GPS in taxis or auto rickshaws. But until we are clear that how our society will ensure safety to women in more constructive manner with good governing laws and free space to move, Indian society will never achieve the status of idyllic environment for which Indian traditions and cultures are taken in front for proud moment. Safe environment is a right of every woman and our society should put in all to give this to them.


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