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The day I met her!

This is about a girl with whom I  have very beautiful memories and I met her in my college. 

This is about a girl who has a childish nature, but a maturity of a lady. She has black eyes not hazel type, but black is beautiful with her. I met her for the first time in the supermarket and I was just smiling and looking her while she was shopping. She had worn a beautiful blue top with black jeans and converse pairs. For 15 minutes, I was just looking at her until she started noticing my evil stare at her. God knows I was not horribly staring, but just trying to figure out a way to have a word with her. She was alone with a bag full of apple juices and bakery products. 

She left the supermarket and I just got stuck with the card swipe issues. Damn it! Sometimes things don't go lucky for you. She was beautiful and that too with the charming smile of her. Her cheeks were creamy and shiny while her movements were free and bold. She left me with a blow of sweet love or love, at first sight (Though I am not sure!).

Today she is my girlfriend and I know I was totally right to had a love at first sight experienced (Still not sure). It's very difficult to describe a girl beautifully and so that is for me. I need an another thought process day to combine the factors of her beauty to describe her well and lovely. 

She is just awesome by this moment and she will always be! Love of my life! I love her...

She loves talking childish and humorous. She loves shopping like other girls and that too branded. Although I have always been a supporting boyfriend to her, but sometimes one has to handle things diplomatically (God! She will surely ask a lot of questions after reading this)

She knows how to handle me when I am confused about already confused life. How to talk pertinent and handle the difficult situations with me. I love her mojo on me. I love her presence around me. Her thinking has pure ingenuity which one needs to have to enjoy the different phases of life. Otherwise, life becomes monotonous. She is an epitome of enjoying life and getting things properly done to achieve success at the same time. We do have epithet for each other like all couples have. But she gets angry when I use it often with her. That's why I have not shared her nickname because she would surely be reading this once get published. She is innate cute. And that's why she says our couple is cute together. It's always important to do things differently in this quotidian life. Don't stash your gifts. Decorate your room with them. They always look beautiful.

I am writing this all because I always wanted to. Like all other couples, girlfriends often ask this question that " How do I look and what do you think about me?". So indirectly, I am also preparing an answer for her. Sorry if I am acting mean, but it's important to write somethings beautiful than using bizarre synonyms every time answering the known universal question. This could also be useful for all BFs who are reading this. Important thing at last is just to make her feel special and that's all.

LoveHerAlways# SheIsImportant#IfYouHaveOne (Sarcastic!, Don't Mind)


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