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Dance to Love: Part 4

Paper Rose!

University Dance Club Competition (UDC) practices were going on and Sahaj was convener of dance club of 1st year. Akuti was at home for the weekend, but she promised to come back by Sunday noon but she didn't. He was livid and things became worse when her boyfriend interfered in that issue! This time Sahaj thought not to talk for a single second with her and he did the same. They also had a fight over that issue.

                 He was totally in love with her and the future was nebulous for him considering his liking, but he was deep in trying to have her in his life and that’s all. He never liked, not talking to her, but things become complex when ego comes into play. On the other side, Akuti's boyfriend was cheating on her and she was totally broken. Although, it is very difficult for guys to make girls happy when they are emotional. In such situations, what girls need is affirmation and emotional validation. They need positive energy from you. It’s so easy to give them what they want when you realize that their need is so simple. You don’t need to wreck your brains trying to figure out how to help them handle their problem. That’s not your problem. You only need to express love.

             Sahaj always loved to do this with her. So like all fights, it also came to an end because Akuti started spending most of her time with him. After every class they started hanging out. They started enjoying lunch at the university canteen, lemon water, dominos, popcorns, Bille di Hatti, Big Yellow Door and shopping. He was taking care of her all the time. She and her boyfriend were not together anymore. Sahaj was happy. She was very cute and funny in her things, which he loved the most in her. Love was in the air, but both were  not admitting that even Akuti was just considering him as a good friend with whom she was very secure and free with smile always on her face. 

              According to Akuti, Sahaj was not of her type. He was nice, too safe, caring and innocent guy.  This is difficult to digest, but girls don’t want a nice guy. In their eyes, nice is weak – it’s boring. They want excitement. They want mystery, surprise, drama. They want a bad boy. The essence of a bad boy is isolation, carelessness, self-indulgence, selfishness and attitude. But after all, with the love, every bad boy also has to be nice and you need a nice guy to settle down with because that’s the only kind of guy who is willing to actually settle down. Against the Akuti's thinking, Sahaj was totally perfect considering all the traits of a bad boy and a good boy. And she understood that well. Although she took a lot of time to understand that.

                   Her love for toys, studs, chocolates, maggi, Ice tea, lays, garlic bread and lots more was awesome, but she was crazy for garlic bread. He always loved to get a garlic bread for her so that they can spend more time together. He even started missing his classes to get that. He was just doing that to make her happy and it was happening. They were enjoying life very much and he was getting so much into her that one night when they were talking on the phone, he proposed her; but she ignored him by saying that she had to think about that. He was sad, but usually we guys don't understand that these things are not easy and to accept. Patience is required. Girls need love and we must make her feel that.

                  After two months, he proposed her again while they were coming back to her hostel from campus and he did that with a paper made rose. That was kind of different, but he was totally somewhere else that time and didn't even think to consider proposing her with a real flower. But that proposal was kind of unique; Stupid, but full of love! 

Finally she said yes to him!

And first line she said "Are we girlfriend-boyfriend now?" and he started laughing. After her breakup with his boyfriend, she became very insecure about relationships, so she put some conditions after him before saying yes:
1) When I will feel that things between us are not working, then I will backout and he will not contact her.
2) I will always follow my parents decision for this.
3) I don't like restrictions.

Oh My God! It was like signing a contract with some businessman, but he was happy and said yes to all the so called terms and conditions of her. Although these restrictions in itself were awesome. After this he started making things more lovely to make her feel free of such restrictions.

                  Everything started getting on track gradually as he was doing it well. They went for a bike ride for the first time together and she was happy having him around. He started waiting outside her class or at the campus canteen to surprise her with new gifts each other day. She never liked the hostel mess food. Most of you have had this conversation if you have stayed in a hostel. Or heard it from friends who have stayed in hostels. Undergraduates usually get most atrocious food ever in the hostel mess. So they started doing lunch every day at the famous food junctions around the university.

                 Sahaj was spending best time of his four year college. His love was like madness and her was like an angelic.  He was just waiting for the best time to get her totally without any restrictions of her,  the day when she would say to him that she is in love with him.

After the final examinations, on the last day of college, they went to the cinema for a movie. While coming back to college, he held her hand for the first time and she started crying. That goodbye was best, but full of loneliness. He left the college next day and she came to see him off. They hugged each other and he didn't say much at that time. 

For the first time, they were leaving each other and they weren't sure what the separation would mean to them. After two months, they met each other in her native city and they were really happy. The fights were not longer part of their life.

Before leaving for a new job, he went to see her once again and they had her favourite garlic bread and pizza at dominos. 

Link for Part 3: Dance to Love: Part 3


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